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Don't Think, Just Do
Don’t Think, Just Do
(:         I have a secret to reveal to you.  You have the ability to do much more than you are currently aware of.  You may be way better at your known abilities than you currently are aware of as well.  The problem of enacting the fullest extent of our abilities comes from thinking about how to do something and then trying to guide our actions from those thoughts.  Instead, oftentimes we can just act and our results will be more preferable.  J
(:         By using the idea of “don’t think, just do” in my own life recently I’ve unearthed abilities I did not know I have.  For example, I can do some pretty lively dancing that’s akin to break dancing.  I never practiced this.  All I do is feel out the beat then act.  I don’t think about how my body looks or how a move will look.  I don’t think.  I just do.  I have received applause in bars for the enactment of this ability and my friends (who I assure you would tell you if I suck) have expressed great surprise to see this guy who used to have no dance ability now have a somewhat impressive one.  J
(:         It turns out you know much more than you think that you know.  You know lyrics to songs you don’t remember hearing.  You know information about people, places, events, organizational skills, etc which you aren’t aware of currently.  All you have to do is do.  Don’t think about how to do.  Just do. J
(:         I’m not covering new ground here.  Guitarists and other musicians act this way.  They aren’t thinking about how to form the next chord(not the good ones anyway).  They just do it.  Most people, in the profession they are comfortable with just do.  They don’t think back to how they were taught.  They just act.  J
(:         I believe that you do not have to wait for confidence and perfected abilities in order to do what you want.  You only need to learn basics.  From there you just act.  You don’t think about it.  You don’t strategize.  You don’t plan.  You just do.  J
(:         Live in love of the world around you, always feel joyous for each day and person that meets you, and live in peace.   J

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