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Let Us change Our world, Now

8> Let us change our World, Now   ( Complete Make Life Better Site w/ better design )

(:          Through the Internet we now have the unique opportunity
 to change our world in a way that we’ve never had before.  We can come together to do things which were previously not possible, and to eliminate “World suck”(to use a phrase from John&Hank Green of Vlogbrothers).  We can lead ourselves in ways governments and politicians have thus far shown themselves to be unable.  J

            Why Now?

(:          Now is as good a time as any to greatly improve the world which we live in and we now have the unique ability to do so.  I think it’s quite self-evident that the internet has already given power to great change agents and actors in society.  The Arab Spring, regardless of your thoughts on it, is evidence of this.  The internet doesn’t just give power to governmental change.  If you look at crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter then you'll see that here the internet gives great power to the ability of people to paint their dreams into existence (Look at these incredible stats from Kickstarter! J

(:          Governments represented something significant prior to the Internet.  It represented the ability of people to come together to solve problems in their society.  It enabled the existence of a single entity in one geographic location to have a monopoly on violence, so that violence wasn’t widespread. J
(:          Yet governments have a vast array of flaws.  The process is often corrupted by special-interests (those with a large financial stake in the outcome) and everyone has their hands out trying to get whatever they can from the public trough.  The methods of enactment are often through violence or hard-power ( I’vediscussed all of this more at length in the post “Liberation Politics ) J

(:          Yet, don’t all entities have flaws?  Yes, but the Internet presents methods of accountability which can be seen through rating systems and dispute resolution systems on sites like Ebay, Amazon, etc.  J

(:          We have the power to do.  I have previously discussed how we can achieve far greater things than we ever thought that we could before.  In “Don’t think, just do” I discussed how we have an ability to do things which we never imagined that we could by just acting instead of trying to develop a method for action and then acting.  J

(:          I’m a fairly spiritual person (had a spiritual awakening a few weeks ago) and I’m most akin to the Bahai’ faith ( which recognizes that religions the world over have a multitude of similar values.  I perceive the fundamental values as being an appreciation of the force which created our universe and being in appreciation of the beauty which surrounds us and loving our brother and sisters in humankind.  J

(:          Religions contain prophecy of a time when Earth will be like Heaven.  That one day we will live in peace and harmony and that one day hunger will no longer be an issue and that shelter may be found by all.  That no one will any longer live in want.  J

(:          Now if you’re not spiritual/religious I understand, I was with you up until a few weeks ago.  Yet even non-religious people mostly desire peace and harmony to be upon us and for us all to no longer live in want (in need to sustenance) J

(:          So, let’s make that happen as quick as possible.  If we all believe that we should live in peace & harmony and if we all believe that nobody should live in want & as we now have the power to bring this about by coming together by the millions, and further by the billions to change our world then lets change it. J

(:          Let’s change it now! 
May you always live in love of everything and everyone around you
May you always live in Joy of every moment you experience
May you always feel peace upon you and act peacefully towards others always
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