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Let Us Be Open

Continue the Conversation with me on Twitter ; Part 3 of Make Life Better

 Let us be Open

(:          One important aspect to engaging in social interaction, whether these are with people we hadn’t previously had the pleasure of meeting or if it be with someone who we have been friends with for a long time is being Open.  To me, being open has two significant components to it:  Open body language and positive facial expressions.  J
(:          One important aspect of open body language is having your hands facing towards the person you’re talking to.  So, when you’re speaking with someone and your hands are at your side you’d appear more open if you face your palms slightly or wholly towards another individual.  J
(:          Another part of open body language in communication is making smooth hand gestures rather than sharp ones.  Not everyone speaks with their hands, I have a tendency to.  Yet if you do and you desire to appear open then use smooth movements.  If you’re making a point about something don’t cut the air(like you’re trying to split a brick in half) but make smoother rounder and softer motions instead.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about I could attempt to explain it further (and if I find a YouTube video showing the difference I’ll post it here.  J
(:          Positive facial expressions make one appear confident and happy.  An obvious positive facial expression would be a smile or grin.  Yet appearing tranquil (or calm) works just as well.  This is just to get across that you’re enjoying the conversation with the other person.  If you’re saying positive things but look negative/closed-off then it would just come across as dishonest (vise-versa).   J
(:          It is my experience that grinning while speaking tends to lead to the other person grinning as well.  Moods are transferable.  Our minds appear to connect in some way.  Our moods have an impact on those in our surroundings.  A vocal positive person can turn a bland room into a happy one.  A miserable vocal person can turn a calm room into an unhappy one.  Knowing this, why not strive for the best vibes?  J
(:          I’ve discussed in other parts the importance of being open to people from other cultures, those with other interests, etc.  Coming across open and positive is a key ingredient to this.  If you don’t appear happy with yourself then why would anyone be inclined to enjoying your company?  Misery loves company.  Yet Joy loves company even more.  J
(:          Let us all strive to do our best in welcoming the company around us.   J


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