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Jon Stewart Is Far Off On Bundy Ranch Case


Jon Stewart, you're wrong.  :p

In a recent Daily Show clip Jon Stewart Critisized Bundy and his supporters.  Yet his arguments against the Bundy's position has a few implications which would contradict “role of government” arguments Jon Stewart makes in debates with people who want a limited government.

In the clip he paints the federal government's property as separate from the public’s property(or commons) yet in arguments on the role of government, Stewart often says things to the affect that “We are the government”. 

Jon.  May I call you Jon Jon.  I like you.  You have an amazing sense of humor but I have this criticism to make:

(: In the same way that Fox News opposes anything Obama supports, you oppose Fox News for anything they support(unless it agrees with something you  already have a firm position on).

(: You’re pushing different political perspectives and obviously your methods of delivery are often very different.   Yet your focal point on Fox News is as childish as their focal point on Obama.  I’m sure you could make real important issues funny, especially as you have extremely talented people who you pay 0 dollars an hour (interns) working for you. :)

Onto the Bundy Ranch situation:

(: Is government land our land or is government land the sole property of an entity known as the federal government?  Who can use the land?  When the government owns so much of the land in the west then is it only the government that can use the public land? 


(: The idea of the commons or “public land” was originally meant to be for the people.  So they can use it , and homestead it if they can put it to productive use.   So instead of seeing it as “them” “taking the governments land” I see it us “Members of my society” “putting public land to better use than anyone else has found a way to yet”  :)

(: What is the point of the government owning land and not putting it towards agricultural or other development and then restricting people by violence or the threat of violence from using that public land? 

(: Also, with homesteading, it’s not like someone could just claim all of it.  They could only claim that which they could prove that they could put to productive use.  :)

What harm was Bundy doing?

(: Jon Stewart, I know you’re with me in opposing the throwing of people in cages and the breaking apart of families caused by Marijuana Control by the Federal government.

(: Yet, how is it any better to confiscate the property of another(like animals) for harming nobody and putting public land to productive agricultural use. :)

 Please reconsider your perspective on this.  I understand that Fox News and Bundy aren’t the best advocates for the support of homesteading.  Yet just because the popular advocacy of a perspective is flawed doesn't mean the the perspective itself(in this case homesteading) is wrong, and it certainly doesn't mean that the government should steal somebody's animals over it! 
Live in Love&Joy&Peace

Organize Yourself

(I don't usually do political commentary here.  But occasionally I do.  My website is about making life better for everybody.

Also, I'm on Twitter: @PeaceEmpowers

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