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Unbound our Joy!

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<3 : )  Unbound our Joy!  : )
            (: We start of in this life with profound joy when we are children.  Then we’re controlled and made to box up our joy, convinced that joyous behavior is weird, told that our individual lives are most important, told that extreme curiosity is dorky.  I gave my childish joy away when I was younger.  I have unbounded it recently.  If you are not feeling joy every day then I believe you have an opportunity to reclaim your joy! J

(:          Remember when you were a child and every day was exciting?  Remember when you were learning new things which amazed you every day?  Remember when you just wanted to talk to everybody and make new friends all the time?  Life can be that way for all of us today!  We can unbound our joy! J

(:          Then we were told to only asked questions when we were called on, ordered to stay still when we wanted to move, took rejection harshly, etc.  Schools, instead of limiting the curiosity of children and only providing them with the information the government decides they should learn, should give children the power over their curiosity.  Children should be taught to use the internet (well.. it’s not like they aren’t already better at it than many adults) and should have catered education to their curiosity’s.  There’s a reason we are curious about the things we want to know about!  It helps us to eventually add to and improve on those concepts we learn!  J

(:          At college your education is catered!  You get to learn about the things that you are interested in.  Sure, there’s “liberal studies” which you may be less interested in.  Yet those provide an opportunity to reveal to us things which we may otherwise not have known we had interest!  At college we get to unbound our joy because it gives power to our curiosity!  J

(:          This also wields results; ask any professor the differences between their freshman and seniors.  These differences are far greater than a 4 year term in primary and secondary education!  One professor of mine, Dr. Baumler, once revealed that he likes teaching seniors because they make him feel like “IUP works”.   J

(:          When we are children we are told that it’s weird to express ourselves in a unique fashion.  Perhaps it is weird in the way that it is unusual.  But it is good as it represents our diversity in personality.  Our personality differences make life fun!  They aren’t something to be frowned on.  J

(:          We are not the center of our universe, we are only one part of it.  Living in a way where you only act according to things that will make your own life better limits your ability to make your own life joyous!  Helping others is an opportunity to meet people who you don’t know.  It makes others smile which makes you smile.  I previously discussed this more in depth in part 2.   J

(:          We’re controlled and told that the questions we have to ask isn’t as important as the material primary schools want to cover.  Then is it any wonder that student academic interest dies in Highschool !? It’s not a problem with the teachers necessarily nor is it necessarily a problem with the students.  The problem is that there are too many controls on student curiosity which makes their interest die when they get older.  J

(:          We’re told that obsessions make us weird or nerdy.  We’re told that’s bad.  Being unique and obsessively fascinated with a topic is not wrong!  It is not bad.  It leads you to a greater understanding of the world which you can then share with those who may be interested in later conversations.  Obsessions unbound joy!  J

(:          I believe that we can all unbound our childish joy.  I feel like I have.  I’d implore you to try.  Live in love of the world around you.  Live while fulfilling your desires and your curiosities.  Live, helping those who need it, as that will help you too!  J


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