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(: Let us Learn about Pies :)

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 Let us Learn about Pies
(:             Recently, since I had a religious awakening, I’ve come to believe all religious and scientific knowledge is inter-related and that they all represent slices of a larger pie.  Further, that if we learn about the slices of pie that others have it can further improve our own understanding of the world.  Most magnificent, is that this improved knowledge gives one the ability to most positively impact the lives of those around them which sends a pulse of positive impact to areas which one wouldn’t even contemplate the initial pulse moving to.  J

(:             Monotheistic religions all represent the same values.  The values are that there is one creative force which started this universe and guides.  Two, that we should admire this creative force and the beauty which it guided.  Third, god breathed his image of creativity and reason into man.  Personally, I’ve been learning from Muslims and Christians on concepts related to the creative force.  Recently an Arab brother taught me that this force speaks to us at all times through all things.  J

(:             Eastern philosophy provides us with a way (Taoism for example emphasizes “the way”) of thinking and living.  It teaches us to be calm, to know peace to the fullest extent.  Recently I went to Dr. Finegan’s Buddhist meditation session and the techniques I learned made me feel a much greater power over my ability to maintain serenity.  J

(:             Native American thought shows us to appreciate nature far more than most thought realms.  They felt inter-connected with nature.  They saw the spirit of the universe in it.  Now, their ability to communicate this to English Speakers may make their beliefs seem very odd.  Yet since my religious awakening I feel very in tune with Earth, its creatures and its plant life.  J

(:             Science provides us an understanding of how things happened.  Astrophysics teaches us of the Big Bang which represents the start of this universe and further the start of time itself.  Time, it seems evident based on current scientific knowledge I’m aware of, is a construction of this universe and does not necessarily exist outside of it.  J

(:             It is easy to get so caught up with how amazing the slice of pie that you have is that one fails to recognize how much more amazing it would be to inter-relate all the slices of the pie.  There is great beauty to a unified understanding.  Great enlightenment to be felt through patterns and inter-connection of thought spheres.  I invite you to try to understand things this way.  J

(:             Live in love of everything and everyone around, in hope that our worse days our behind us and that an incredible future is before us , and with inner-peace at all times.  J

caleb <3

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