are We? I believe that humanity
represents a single race, which attempts to improve the world, which attempts
to live Peacefully & has thus far failed but has made great strides, and
that together, through the internet we may come to realize a unified
identity. That this need not be
frightening, as the internet is voluntary, and as such, if one disagrees with
the majority on how to engage on pushing forth their thoughts or acting on
their dreams then they cannot be victimized as association through the internet
is voluntary, not coercive.
a research paper I completed on the construction of a unified Filipino identity
I wrote that:
“In order to create a national
identity, to bring a national consciousness into existence, there must first be
leaders in that society to create, through the written or spoken word, the
picture for others to see. Nationalism,
by its very nature, is often crafted artificially. Nationalism creates the feeling in the public
of a unified identity, in spite of their differences and in recognition of
their similarities. Nationalism is a
tradition which establishes social unity, a feeling of being part of something
greater than oneself, a feeling within a society that they can trust leaders
& follow them in their mapping for the collective consciousness, or
national consciousness. This tradition
makes one feel that there is a unified, or shared, national consciousness. This tradition(Hobshawn/Ranger, 10). Nationalism, as well as religion, prior to
the internet, were the primary ways in which people were enabled to come
together, to attempt to progress their society or their collective
consciousness forward…
Also, it’s relevant that I reveal
my thesis of the paper, so that you may understand where I’m coming from:
“My thesis, in essence, will
attempt to prove that the Filipino Ilustrados utilized the spoken and written
word, to translate existing means of current societal constructs, to attain
their desired ends. They translated
existing means which were previously either used to degenerate their social
standing, or otherwise had not yet been used to improve it, into something
which would instead elevate the social standing of Filipinos. Further, that these means which they
translated had also not yet been used to cultivate a Filipino identity. This translation enabled Ilustrados to incept
a unified Filipiino consciousness. This
is essential, as it led to a unified Filipino consciousness which still exists
today, having been first expressed coherently by the Ilustrados. Then, in closing, I will demonstrate how what
the Ilustrados did is still relevant to modern times, as the words of
Ilustrados like Rizal continued to impact that national Filipino consciousness”
Full Paper can be read here: (
“To understand the initial
experience of nationalism as the power of transmission, it is necessary to see
it from the perspective of a history of translation”-Vincente Rafael (Promise
of Translation, 13)
Thus, what I am attempting to do
here, is to assist in the continued empowerment of humanity through its
unification, and I am going to do so by translating existing means to develop a
unified vision of a Global Human consciousness, and by doing so, aspiring that
this will assist in the enabling of better-enabling us to push our positive
peaceful dreams & aspirations forward
, so that we may paint them into reality.
believe that humanity represents one race as I believe the term “race” to be
something which identifies great differences between people whose only true
difference rest in pigmentation. While
its also true that Humanity developed and adapted through the evolutionary
process from Africa to Asia, from North America to Europe and from South
America to the Arctic regions, I believe that any family placed in the region
and given the same time to adapt would have those similar adaptations which we
often see as something which differentiates us, but I honestly believe Humanity
to be one race with difference ethnicities and cultures.
attempt to improve our world through coming together to fix problems, to
understand our world better through science & religion, to make life a
better experience through expressions of beauty as in Music or Film.
There are thousands of organizations all over
our world, regardless of the nation in which you live, where people come
together to try to improve the world. One of my best examples of this, which
emcompasses people all over the world, is Kickstarter(What is Kickstarter? See:
, I’m also a big admirer of Doctors without borders.
In my mind, science religion and
philosophy attempt to answer questions about our existence, and through those
answers they improve the world. I
believe that science is immensely useful in providing us an understanding, which is the closest approximation to truth
which we may humans limited capacity for knowledge may come to know, in
answering How questions(If you’ve yet to appreciate the beauty of science, I
recommend Neil Degrasse Tyson’s “Most Astounding Fact” on Youtube”. Then philosophy and religion, are mans
closest approximation to truth, on why?
I argue throughout MakeLifeBetter that religious conflict are not
conflicting in values, but rather are conflicting on definitions(who, what, when, where, why
questions). If you’ve yet to appreciate religion,
through your healthy skepticism of religious text, then I’d implore you to
check out this book “Quantum Physics , Human consciousness, religion, and the
human soul “ wherein the Author states
the books purpose as:
“To teach the subject of Quantum
Physics to the lay reader in math and terminology that is simple to understand,
to describe how and why reality, this Universe is interdependent with
consciousness in order to exist, to describe this mechanism, how we interact
with this finite Universe in a tangible argument that is suitable within the
formal definitions of Quantum Physics as well as the philosophies and Religions
of Man, to dismiss the urban myths and misconceptions in science that suggest
our existence as finite, to present a working definition for consciousness that
is suitable to Quantum Physics as well as the philosophies of Man, to establish
that this definition for consciousness requires infinite, unique existence, to
describe that this working definition for consciousness requires infinite,
unique existence, to describe that this working definition for consciousness
eliminates paradoxes in science, philosophy, and religion, to draw a well
definied line between cognitive belief system and Faith: an aweness of oneself
as an infinite being as being tangible and real, not a belief”- William Joseph
Bray (Physcist and Chemist by education, worked in Pharmaceutical Research
Chemistry for 20+ years)
the vast world-over , attempts to live in Peace., and yet we often do so in a way
which is counter-intuitive. Our nations
fight, as we are persuaded that another nation violates our ability to live
peacefully. There are times when this is
surely true, great examples being the Communist former Soviet Union, and the
former National Socialist Germany. Yet
all too often, we are too easily persuaded to go to war, without exhausting
peaceful means, as the poltiicians and corporations whom benefit from war push
us towards it. Also, through the
internet we are empowered to come together to create peace (I solidify this
point in this video:
us now unite voluntarily, as a collective human consciousness, and allow all to
express themselves peacefully however they wish.
“And if peace scares you, and if
love scares you, and if Joy scares you , then I don’t think good things are
going to Happen in your future because I believe that all of these will become
realized in our society in my lifetime” – Source:
May we all find and then live
continually in Love&Joy&Peace
And to my Arab brothers and
sisters, Salam
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