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Liberation Politics: My Political Perspective

Liberation Politics: My Political Perspective                                              Twitter @PeaceEmpowers

(:         There is often populous will to solve societal problems.  This will then attempts to achieve its desired incomes by using government to enact solutions.  Yet this will is corrupted and then the abilities to achieve the desired outcomes are diminished due to the methods which the institution of government uses to try to solve problems.  This post will examine these issues and discuss ways the internet can act to give power to the public will so that we may find better methods to solve societal problems and then limit the use of hard power to solve societal problems.  J

(:         It makes sense that people are used to trying to use government to solve problems.  It was the first institution which gave us an ability to pool our resources and talent together to solve issues our smaller communities or us as individuals had little to no ability to impact.  Yet all too often when the institution of government tries to solve these problems it fails at doing so.  Let us look no further than the modern drug war in the US which not only has failed in reducing marijuana use but in the process has broken apart families, destroyed futures, created more single-parent households, and ultimately has created far more societal harm than marijuana dependency ever could.  J

(:         Government enacts most of its solutions through hard power.  Hard power is the use of coercive power through threats of violence or enacting violence against others if they do not obey the rules the politicians decided on.  This is seen when government officials restrain people, throw them in cages, abuse them in prisons, shoot people and puppies in raids for marijuana, etc.  The methods of hard power fail as they persuade no one to act differently for the most part but just make people fearful of the danger their government presents to them via the use of hard power.  J

(:         The will of the public is corrupted in politics.  This is another reason we find it so difficult to find solutions to societal problems when we try to do so by using government.  Politicians gain and attain power largely through working with and giving a wink and a nod to the desires of wealthy individuals with economic power.  These wealthy individuals then push their agendas more easily than countless working-class people could as they have greater access to the politicians.  This is why we get scenarios like the US paying Halliburton(or whatever they’re going by these days) providing billions of dollars in no-bid contracts every year.  With a no-bid contract a company can offer to do the services Halliburton is providing at a better value(more bang per dollar) yet Halliburton will always get the contract anyway because the government doesn’t accept bids for other businesses to compete in getting the funds Halliburton gets.  A lot of this has to do with the influence of Dick Cheney which certainly did not die with the ascendency of Obama to the presidency. J

(:         We no longer need to solve problems through government as we may now solve problems voluntarily through technology , esp with the internet.  The internet gives great power to the will of the public.  It has led to demonstrations of millions upon millions of people all across the globe to demand more liberation/freedom to act on their own destinies to paint the best destiny for themselves into existence.  Through crowd-source projects ideas are funded, Kickstarter (a crowd-sourcing site) sees great success with most projects reaching funding goals.  J

(:         We have only scratched the surface on what we can do with the internet.  The internet is still very new when looking at it through a historical reference.  It has been available to the masses only within my lifetime, and its only been affordable & fast to the public for a little over a decade.  I believe that through the internet humankind will solve poverty so that no person may ever need to go to bed hungry.  No person will be without shelter.  I believe that via the internet we can accomplish far greater scientific and technology advances because of all the information we have access to which we can further build on.  The internet provides us access to peers who specialize in a litany of skills whom we can work with to build on projects and desires together.  Through the internet, things are done voluntarily.  Through government, things are done with force and involuntarily.   J

(:         I believe in finding ways to solve problems which governments currently attempt to solve and then ending the governments hard-power attempts to solve those problems which we figure out on our own.  For example, One we (using the internet) find a way to have a masses-funded unemployment insurance program(s) then we can end the government using hard power over businesses and individuals working within or outside businesses to force them to pay into an unemployment insurance program.  If we fulfill the need of unemployment insurance by finding effective, voluntary ways to do so we will arrive at a more efficient, not subject to political pressures, method and can then remove the governments inefficient involuntary methods. 
(:         I believe where government is providing something good for society we should work to replace that through completely voluntary means using the internet as well.  For example, I’m a big fan of NASA.  Yet what if NASA used Kickstarter or Indigogo campaigns to fund projects which they persuaded us to be useful?  The millions of people who love NASA could then fund it voluntarily, ending the governments coercive method of funding, and NASA could do better things because I think the public who hear what all NASA has done and how their technological developments have vastly improved our world do want to give more money to NASA.  They just need an easy, quick way to do so with the right incentive.  Voluntary crowd-funding is just superior than coercive funding and now that the internet gives power to voluntary crowd-funding we should seek to use this method over coercive methods.
(:         I do not think the institution of government is an inherent evil, its methods are just inferior to morally-preferable methods that exist through the internet.  We can come together to face challenges from education to healthcare.  We can come together to do amazing great things through science and technology and giving those areas more funding through the internet.  Much of this has already began through current online projects.  J

May you always live in Peace , Love and Joy ,

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